
Embodyment is a revolution – women and body

Embodyment is a revolution – women and body

At the end of this year, I am reflecting life, just as you do.
How I have been as a human being, each single moment?
And how deeper have I embraced myself being in this body as a woman?

I feel fortunate being born in a woman, which contains amazing facets, capabilities and talents.
Without being rigidly identified as a woman, it is good to be aware of and exercise potentials and power which we women possess.

Feminine energy is powerful for the healing of the world and creating necessary changes in the planet.
…And I forget this conscious exercising of feminine power, every so often… by growing up being very gender neutral. It’s important to fully embrace what has been bestowed to us as a gift !!

I want to address what have been suppressed in women’s psyche through embodiment / dance.
Body carries social norms and collective pains, as much as it does individual memory and emotions.
Through body, lots of conditioning, stories, and suppression can be released, about being a woman and embracing feminine essence.

One body at a time, when we open up to make a shift within us through body, the world would also start changing. A revolution happens one body at a time…

Are you dancing your life?

Are you dancing your life?

I feel populations of dancers (those who learn dance are dancers) are growing quite fast, nowadays.

Dancing meditation is also rapidly growing, in parallel with the growth of sedentary/stillness meditation.

It is an awesome phenomena !

In our high-tech sedentary life, and with the individualistic culture, many of us are hungry for dance – that expression of passions, that aliveness of moving of body.

However, isn’t your dance happening only on a dance floor?

Aren’t you keeping your dance as “my (secret) hobby”? Yes, often time, dance has a taste of “secrecy”…

Once you step out of the dance floor, are you not shying away and returning to your “regular self” which does not easily show your dancer’s side to others?

Are you dancing your daily life?

Dancing daily life doesn’t necessarily mean that you suddenly start dancing on a metro platform, or kitchen of your house while cooking – it’ll be awesome, though.

That Passion.

That aliveness, fluidity, energy, joy, spontaneity, authenticity, and creativity, which you express through dance….

Those, we can bring into our daily life.

How we see and experience dance itself, would make this shift.

My next dance workshop on blooming into womanhood is also about this – about shifting in how we live our daily life as a woman. Come join !

PS: My friend made an awesome documentary of Conscious Dance – highly recommended to watch it! http://kenmartini.com/dance-documentary/

Stop grasping and Climate Change shall resolve.

Stop grasping and Climate Change shall resolve.

My Thai massage teacher used to say “Are you creating a problem, or are you helping?”

I used to be a climate change policy professional.

I worked hard in the city and I set my lifestyle as quite environmental conscious.

But flying over to another country for meetings, office with crazy air-conditioning, or frequent long distance drive were “inevitable”.

We have been living in a village of Southern Mexico, in a simple but absolutely beautiful eco-house, in front of this stunning beach.

And I wonder how much part of Climate Change problem solves if people stop chasing after.

Energy-consuming luxurious life comes from the sense of “Not Enough”. (even meat-eating.) And rather, turn to beauty of slow, natural, and simple life of inner fulfilment….

I don’t need more than this. This beauty.

We don’t use a car. Here electric appliances we use are only 1 small fridge, 2 computers and several gadgets, which makes me feel already more than enough. We have about 7 light bulbs charged by solar panels but we won’t use more than 2 at a time, because body wants to rest in darkness. Blightness in night is disturbing. Besides, stars and moon are too stunning to miss.

I sometimes happen to work with computer till 9-10pm! Which is not preferable.. Meditation in darkness is much more charming. Only the food of high mileage is olive oil, and all the rest is local food.

I have time for morning ocean dip, meditation and yoga practice from 6 to till 11am, and sleeping around 10pm.

Still I feel I am engaging with the outside world enough. I don’t travel even 1 hour away more than once in 2 months as here is so much abundance.

Why a simple and humble life become a luxury?

Because we cannot let go what we “own”.

To make this choice for this kind of lifestyle, I needed to give up a lot and trust all that I own is in my heart.

And in return, so beautiful and serene life is here.

And it happened to be that my lifestyle is fairly climate change-friendly.

Though infrequent intercontinental flights emit a lot, which make me contemplate.

In this small village there are already so much materialism. There is a sense of “Not Enough” implanted since childhood, a culture of “More and More”.

There is so much enough when we look into our heart, and into this magnificent nature.

When we look with a new eyes who we are, climate change solves.

Wild bleeding

Wild bleeding

Since a year ago, I started to bring my “high time” – moon time day 1 – into nature/wilderness.
Sitting directly on earth, connecting my yoni to Mama earth, breeding into soft moss, to soil, to ocean, in sun and in rain,,,
Feeling where my blood originally belonged to, the eternal ring it returns to, and the primal connection between Us Women – me and Mama.
And I go “home” and dream deep.
Day 1 is lighter when I sit in nature.

Obviously my day 1 has no work. A special womb day.

Wild bleeding is an entirely different experience than ones I had in busy and unsensitized city life where a period were seen an obstacle. Plastic gears surrounding menstrual bloods are even unthinkable..

Follow me !





「自然とコミュニケーションして、一緒にものを進めていく力を持っている。 」という事だと思っている。


<いかにして、それが聞こえるのか ?>

”風がこう言った。” ”この植物がこう言った。”



けれど、自然と”対話”する という事は、身近に感じないかもしれない。



自然に声がある、感情がある、 などと、学校や会社で習った人は、少ないはずだ・・


















”自然がこう言ってる事を踏まえ、あそこの山には作物を今年は植えないで、代わりにあそこの丘に植える事する” などなど、























